Empathy Talk: What is an empath and 3 Ways to Release Negativity Toward Those Who Push Our Buttons

Published by Brooke Aichroth on

As I have mentioned in the About section on this website, I am an empath. Today I want to talk about what an empath is and how to deal with those folk who do not have the awareness of how their actions affect others. I also will give a tip on how to deal with those who lack empathy. READ ON because I feel like most of us can relate to this topic and the advice I give on how to handle these people MAY surprise you. 😉

Okay, so the actual definition of an empath is “A person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.” This awareness, as they say, is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because as empaths we are able to relate to others on an emotional level. This could be a good or a bad thing, depending on how one handles it. In my opinion, being able to relate is very much needed in this world. I digress. On a quantum level, everything in this universe is made up of energy vibrating on different frequencies. There is too much judgement being energetically thrown around and as some may know, judgement carries into a low vibration. We don’t want to be in the low vibrational states. EVER! But we’ll save frequency talk for a later post. By possessing empathy we can make a connection with the emotions of kindness and understanding. Doesn’t that just sound nice to you? To be KIND and UNDERSTANDING? Both qualities are important because they will help us better understand others who are different from us. We are all our own individual experiencing life our own way. What may seem like nothing to you may be another person’s burden. It’s like having a universal camera but hundreds of different lenses to chose from. The person you have trouble with at work, home or out in the world is just seeing things through THEIR lens and taking the snap shots that suit them and the mood they are in. Once we are aware that everyone thinks differently and is certainly entitled to their own opinion and feelings, we can learn to let them be.

But “letting them be” can be easier said than done sometimes. For instance, you may know someone that is in a constant negative state. Whether that shows up as them being stressed, depressed, nervous, anxious, fearful, angry, resentful, battling addiction or in any state of judgement. These emotions often lead to victimhood which is something I will talk about in another post. The main point is that these individuals have a harder time seeing the positive side to life because they are so focused on the pain and suffering that they feel. Being an empath may also leave you susceptible to these emotions, especially if you are close with someone who possesses this mentality.

Some of us may even become weak ourselves, being caught up in the web of another person’s emotions or lack of awareness. This could lead one to feel angry, frustrated or even resentful toward the other person who just doesn’t see things the way they do. It’s important to know that we are HUMAN and we will feel this way from time time. It’s crucial that we feel whatever it is we have to feel, then gently let it go. How do we let our feelings of frustration toward others go you ask? Well listen up!

1st thing you can do:
Ask WHY? Take a minute and look through the most zoomed in lens and think about what that person may be going through on an emotional, medical, physical or mental level. Perhaps they are suffering from a hormonal imbalance because of a poor diet and can’t get a grasp on their emotions that fluctuate. Maybe someone they know or love is ill. Maybe they have experienced a great loss in their life that they have not got around to grieving properly. Perhaps they have an addiction that is detrimental to their health. Physical ailments can most certainly bring down someone’s mood if they let it. Maybe they have some trauma from their past that has not been acknowledged or properly dealt with. There are a number of reasons why someone acts the way they do. UNDERSTAND and RESPECT that person and their journey.

2nd thing you can do:
Pray for them. You can pray to god, angels, saints, the universe or whatever higher power you believe in to help heal that person’s soul. Praying not your thing? No worries. If you don’t pray to a higher power or entity then just send a positive intention to that person who is driving you crazy. Release any feelings of frustration, anger or judgement and put your positive thought or intention out into the universe. Maybe you wish that that person would agree with you on something you KNOW is important and will benefit them, but they don’t want to listen. I can’t promise that they will change their minds and see things your way. However, by sending a positive thought, prayer or intention for that person and their journey you are not only helping them but you are also healing yourself. By praying or wishing the other person well you are not only putting positive energy out into the universe for them, but you are in fact aligning with positive energy for yourself! Choosing to release the negative feelings that no longer serve us and aligning with love is one of the BEST things you can do for yourself. Trust me. You will notice a sense of relief or even a general sense of feeling better once you align with love and positivity. Afterall, you are raising your vibration! It’s all about energy people!

3rd thing you can do: LET GO and ACCEPT. Accepting someone for who they are is a lot easier than trying to force them to see things your way. Seriously, it’s so much easier. Holding on to those feelings of anger, frustration or resentment can cause physical ailments in our bodies. This thinking can possibly manifest into an illness or just a general bad mood. No one wants either of those things, right!? Letting go seems to be the hardest thing for us as humans to do. It’s a challenging lesson to learn and master. However, once we do, life gets so much easier. You become able to deal with things in a more peaceful manner. It isn’t wise to push anyone. We are all here on this earth experiencing life very differently. It’s our choice and our right. Free will, amirite?

So remember, be kind and patient with those who push your buttons. Develop an awareness that their experience is different than yours by asking WHY? Pray for them or send them positive energy. Lastly, let go and accept. I always ask that light and love be sent to the person in need’s soul and/or journey. By doing this, I release the negative and align with the positive. All is well. And so it is.

Have a great day everyone! Thank you to those who have read this. I send light and love to you all.

Categories: Blog


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